;@echo off & Setlocal EnableExtensions
;Findstr -rbv ; %0 | powershell -c -
;goto:sCode ######################################
"PSH " | Write-Host -for yellow -no
exit 5
;:sCode ######################################
;pause & goto :eof
voici une autre approche plus robuste:
@echo off :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: For /f "delims=:" %%a In (' findstr /Bn "@PS" %0 ') do Set /ALine=%%a more +%Line% %0 | powershell -c - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: ici suite du code Batch dir pause & exit /b @PS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Function Get-Test { param() Begin{ Write-Warning "Debut du traitement" } Process{ write-verbose "ici n'importe quel traitement" gps power*,cmd* <# un Bloc de commentaires #> } End{ Write-warning "Fin du traitement" } } Get-Test exit
1 commentaire:
Hello Walid,
thank you very much for this posting. It is very helpful for me and I think I will use it. ;-)
But there is one mistake in your code: Between "Set /A" and "Line=%%a" is a blank missing. Maybe you can fix this?
Thanks again and best wishes.
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